Храните интересное на "Рабочем столе"
Lesson number 2
Text Document.
Not all interesting and useful links to be preserved in the "Favorites". Stupidly confused.
easier to create a "Text Document" on the "desktop.
Here you can indulge in their fontazii. example, found excellent resource for work or on earnings http://www.muza.algolweb.ru/ , or gaming service, or good music, so small that there may be caught in nete ...
Open the created Your document, copy and paste the link into your opened "Text Document" sign just as you like and you have it or when you do not lose!
http://www.muza.algolweb.ru/ an excellent resource of earnings or
http://www.muza.algolweb.ru/ ever need to look
http://www. muza.algolweb.ru / Think
In general, anything, only your usmatrenie. Here's a little helpful nyuansik to work with comp.
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