Liver - a factory to clean up the body. It flows through a vast amount of frightful poisons. If these poisons is too much, the liver cells are destroyed, the liver begins to function worse and eventually it stops working altogether. But even if you're like most Americans, do not worry too much about your liver, you would be worth thinking about.

That is why, if you drink more alcohol than they should, taking medication, which can damage the liver, such as drugs that reduce blood cholesterol levels, acetaminophen and antidepressants, using pesticides or your work is connected with such substances as carbon tetrachloride, as well as in the case, if You already have signs of impaired liver function, you need to know about the existence of strange vehicles - seeds of the plant under the name of milk thistle, or thistle. This plant is able to stop the constant "bombardment" of your body with toxic substances.
In Europe, milk thistle enjoys great attention and respect, and people carefully guard their livers in all possible ways. Milk from them - a popular herbal remedy be taken during illness. It was verified serious scientific studies that prove that it actually prevents and cures liver damage, restores the cells and tissues. Almost all of these studies were conducted in Germany, where milk thistle approved by the government as a additional therapeutic agent in chronic inflammatory processes and cirrhosis.
Milk may prevent the destruction of the liver due to the dangers that is modern civilization, and therefore deserves serious attention.
liver, being the main ochischayuschim body, plays a vital role in maintaining our health. Milk thistle is used for millennia to treat the liver. It contains a natural substance silymarin - a mixture of glycosides (silybin, silidianin, silihristin), which primarily helps the liver to carry out detoxification function, including by raising level of antioxidant defense (increased content of superoxide dismutase and glyutationperoksidazy). It is obvious that all of the above properties put drugs rastopshi on a par with drugs, when it comes to acute or chronic liver disease and even cirrhosis.

Many phytotherapeutist used this herb for psoriasis, the periods exacerbation is clearly associated with deterioration of liver function. Simpler dermatological problems in the form of various skin lesions (irritation skin), may be the first symptoms of liver dysfunction.
Finally, milk thistle is beneficial for digestion, because a sufficient number of bile ensures complete digestion of fats and optimal absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
that said thistle science?
have since been held for more than 200 experimental and clinical studies that show that milk thistle - an effective remedy for various diseases, including fatty liver, often occurring even in moderate drinkers, acute and chronic hepatitis, damage liver of different drugs and even cirrhosis at later stages, which is usually unavoidable and practically can not be cured by any conventional medications.
One large study conducted in Germany in 1992, found that milk thistle has brought great benefit to 2,637 patients with diseases liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis. After eight weeks of daily administration of standard capsules of milk thistle 63% of the subjects reported the disappearance of symptoms (nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal distention). Laboratory tests have confirmed that the content of liver enzymes (their higher content in the blood indicates of liver disease) declined significantly - by 46%. Moreover, an enlarged liver in 27% of cases recovered to normal size, and in 56% - decreased sharply to normal.
researchers and scientists have developed many useful medicines
and techniques for the treatment and prevention of liver disease.
I suggest to You are relatively cheap but very effective method of preventing a healthy liver and vostonavlenie patient.
What is the procedure?
Many Required treatment or prevention of liver with admission of any preporatov on how to reset the normal functioning of the body.
I recommend starting preventive treatment of the liver, primarily with the treatment of liver parasites.
The outer shell of the liver and nutri often presence of the parasite, which release their toxins destroy the liver, just eat them, destroying cells and the liver was converted into a sponge.
Without external intervention to withdraw these parasites is not possible. Yes, and diagnostics, such diseases requires special techniques and equipment.
your Required Various drugs and medicines on how to reset the liver is not paying attention to this very significant and important fact.
What good from all these preparations, if the parasites in your liver continues to live shit and their wastes (toxins) by destroying the liver, but you at this time to stuff a world-class products for the treatment and prevention of liver health ????? Temporary relief? Do not be fooled ...
Alas, dropped on Wind money. Tomorrow will repeat all over again ...
What ? What to do?
Holy Tea Dr. Miller - developed by Dr. Bill Miller (Jackson, Tennessee, USA)
recommend to eat and stay healthy!
And how you treat your liver? What do you support your health?
I would be very grateful if the pages Blog will your recommendations can just your methods and advice to someone can help ...
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