Thursday, August 26, 2010

How To Remove Stud Earring

Откуда у народа формируется ненависть к богатым?

as "Titanic" and other Blockbusters cause a desire to be poor ...

Author: Gage, Randy (Gage, Randy) Posted: 2010-07-26

Perhaps you saw the movie "Titanic" (if not, then you a rare instance). In fact, speaking in the context we are discussing the theme, this film is the most dangerous of all ever released.

Why? Yes, because he appeals to based on fear, feelings of inadequacy and limitations of various representations of the majority of people with money and success. "Titanic" at different levels introduces into your consciousness like a setup: «Being poor noble», «Rich people are immoral," "Money - it's evil." And the more you liked this movie, the more successfully implement this subconscious programming. Personally, I think that this is the most harmful film in the history of cinema.

«Oh you, Gage, - you might say. - It's just a love story. This movie! We know that everything here is made up. " But let see this film as I usually watch movies.

In the beginning we see the carefree adventurer, Jack. Why was he so unconcerned? Because the poor. He gets on the ship because it won a ticket to the card, right?

So, first lesson , which we derive from what he saw: poor people careless and happy. Just think about all the problems that spoil the lives of rich people! What happens if I get sick butler? What if someone hijack a Rolls Royce? Do you know what today is maintenance of the helicopter?

Then we see Rose and she is clearly unhappy. Why? Because I have to marry a boring rich small. If you remember, her mother convinces her to go for it for the sake of family welfare. That second conclusion , which we do (certainly unconsciously): money are forced to sell his soul and sacrifice his own happiness.

As the story progresses, we see yet another eloquent scene - Rose dines at the restaurant first class. It is surrounded by all these boring rich hypocrites, who sip brandy, smoke cigars and are empty conversation about the game of polo and other incredible nonsense. There is a scene in which the mother slaps on the hand his little daughter, who does not know how to use the underlying eleventh on the left fork for oysters (okay, here I am exaggerating a bit).

And then there Jack and Rose says: "Let's go down to the third cabin class, and I'll show you how to have fun! ". in the next shot we see poor people, who, of course, singing songs, dancing and having fun, thus showing how they are easier and more fun than the boring, stiff and nasty rich people.

What is here is the subconscious programming? Rich people are boring, with poor people is very fun and interesting, so if you want to merge with the "people" and become his own (which is what most people wanted all his life, from childhood), it is better to be poor.

Then the ship encountered the iceberg ...

The rich are trying to get into the lifeboats deception or through bribery. Rich Rose, even the groom takes some baby from the hands of the mother to quickly turn the boat ( remember - topic , causing emotions associated with children who have special powers. Just imagine the power of their subconscious reactions to it, like a rich man, an egoist takes away from the child's mother, to save his own skin!).

We see how the rich people in the boats sail to the horizon, while the poor
mob behind bars on the lower deck flooded with water. We see a brave poor woman who soothes her children, telling them about how they now go to the bottom and will sing hymns, until the sink. Oh, sorry, I'm now going to be sick!

Let scrolling tape and look at the end of the film: Rose are now about 180 years, and her granddaughter, a poor working hard, and cares about this old purse. In a Rose necklace worth 40 million dollars, which she could give her granddaughter, to facilitate her life. And she does what?

She feeds the treasure sharks!

level after level, this film subliminally convince you that money - it's bad rich people - is evil, and poverty - it's good, it elevates. But nothing could be further from the truth than this statement.

«Well, let's say - say you. - But this is only one movie. "

Only one? Well, let's look at a few box office hits. Take, for example, "Spider-Man." In the first movie This epic who was the main villain? billionaire. way, but in the "Magic Quartet", "strange" and nearly every James Bond film Who's the villain? Some rich man. But back to our multilegged hero.

Remember how poor Peter Parker finally met the girl who lived next door, which had long been secretly in love? They both came in at the same time to throw out the garbage, their eyes met, she spoke to Peter, and a spark flashed between them. What happens next?

A young man arrives at their house on a brand new car, which he gave as a birthday rich and poor dad. The girl squeals from pleasure, throw garbage and Peter jumps in the car - and she goes, leaving Peter alone, ridiculed, and regretfully. Do you think that any opinion about the rich people formed in your subconscious?

The film even has an episode in which Uncle Peter utters the most famous phrase in defense "Honest poverty»:

Maybe we are not rich, but we at least are honest people.

Heard you ever something like this? What does this mean really?

Let me translate: «Hail to the fact that you are poor. This means that you are an honest, honorable, good man, because all rich people - liars, traitors and thieves. "

Here's how what you have heard from parents or teachers at the age of ten, can influence on your beliefs 20, 30 and even 40 years later. When you are young and receptive, what say you people have for you the authority, makes an indelible impression on you.

Why Peter brings his uncle? Because he is an orphan. Remember - the most effective themes cause strong emotions and relate to children. Who are capable of stronger touch your heart, than the poor little orphan? Therefore, the "Spider-Man and the orphan. Actually, like Batman. Superman. Wonder Woman. Harry Potter. Kids from boxcar, Lemony Snicket, etc. - they are all orphans.

feel the trend?

Perhaps you begin to suspect that all writers are in conspiracy trying to manipulate your mind. It is not so, simply they are infected with the same themes as the rest of mankind, and not even suspect that helps them multiply.

Like the first movie, "Spider-Man 2" is replete with various means of subconscious programming, reinforcing effect negative viruses of the mind (which, ironically, gives him a good box office worldwide). In it, we again meet a nice aunt of Peter, which he raised. The fact that it is nice, says the fact, that greedy bankers trying to evict her from her home.

In this film, Peter loses his job Pizza peddler because delayed delivery of the order, stopping to rescue two kids, who almost moved the truck. This episode of "feeds" the notion that honorable people can sacrifice their own well-being for others (and this promotes the creation of new negative and destructive situations, because to demonstrate their generosity in our lives is definitely not enough!). For completeness, heartless boss Peter is a native of eastern India, which, in turn, enhances the action of the theme, we see that all these grabbers workers selected a good job at honest and hardworking Americans.

course, "Spider-Man 1" ends on what our hero says his only love, that they can never be together, and then goes alone into the sunset, filled with unconditional love. He made his choice, he sacrificed his personal happiness, to serve the people and fight the forces of evil.

In "Spider-Man 2" a girl behaves more aggressively, demanding that Peter has made her an honest woman. And again before our hero's dilemma - to arrange personal happiness or strangle villains network. And then he asked my aunt (who now lays on its veshchichki street), what to do. She tells him that is in the world such wonderful people - people who have sacrificed everything they hold dear, for the happiness of others. Not true, it is wonderful?

What the shit dog!?

Hollywood, Bollywood, Hong Kong and all the other film companies the world learned that lesson well. more film corresponds to the beliefs of the viewer, the more likely that he will like it. And of course, all this applies not only to movie studios ...

Television as a crime in this sense - and far more dangerous for your health, happiness and prosperity, because that is what you are being exposed more often than affected by other media.

Remember, as shown in the "blue screen" millionaires and billionaires. The basic idea of \u200b\u200bserials like "redneck from Beverly Hills," is that rich people - pompous clowns and snobs, a poor one and all - kind and sensible. Remember that ridiculous millionaire with a pretentious name of "Gilligan Island"? And remember the episode «MASH» - perhaps not always in the tent turned out to be some rich man, who listened to opera, acted like an idiot and generally complicate the lives of the good guys? Remember all those lying, adulterous, scheming rich soap opera "Dallas," "Dynasty" and the like. All the same tune played over and over again.

The irony is, that people who vparivayut you this stuff, have themselves become very rich: James Cameron has earned $ 200 million "Titanic" movie, to tell the world about the nobility of poverty!

However, a reservation - there was no conspiracy to support your poverty. People involved in the process of making such those usually do not know what they do: the writers are turning to the classics, to find win-win options. Programming cycle is not interrupted, and as a result required beliefs are fixed in the public consciousness .

(Excerpted from Randy Gage, "Why you stupid, sick and poor ... and how to become smart, healthy and rich! »)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Triki W Pokemon Crystal

Храните интересное на "Рабочем столе"

Lesson number 2

Text Document.

Not all interesting and useful links to be preserved in the "Favorites". Stupidly confused.
easier to create a "Text Document" on the "desktop.

Here you can indulge in their fontazii. example, found excellent resource for work or on earnings , or gaming service, or good music, so small that there may be caught in nete ...

Open the created Your document, copy and paste the link into your opened "Text Document" sign just as you like and you have it or when you do not lose! an excellent resource of earnings or ever need to look
http://www. / Think

In general, anything, only your usmatrenie. Here's a little helpful nyuansik to work with comp.

Breast Feeding To Husband Pic

Несколько полезных уроков

Lesson number 1


In nete catches huge set of resources, links, which sometimes are not equally good for safety, simply take up space .. Well when they are short, and when long?

I present to your attention is free, but a much needed service By using this service you can link to any length to make a very small.

Especially it should be interesting, who is engaged in referral projects. In order to be "clever" does not cut off your links, they can be easily encrypt.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Snacks For Diabetics With Nut Allergies

Молочный чертополох (Расторопша пятнистая) Что говорит о расторопше наука?

Liver - a factory to clean up the body. It flows through a vast amount of frightful poisons. If these poisons is too much, the liver cells are destroyed, the liver begins to function worse and eventually it stops working altogether. But even if you're like most Americans, do not worry too much about your liver, you would be worth thinking about.

on your liver affect all the poisons of modern civilization - pesticides, exhaust fumes and other air pollutants, various medications and alcohol. All of these can suddenly cause severe liver damage. Indeed, 80% of all liver diseases in the West due to alcohol. Even in moderate drinkers suffering from liver are often obese, and that says a beginning disease. Damaged liver as almost traditional medicine not a cure. That's what it offers: powerful steroids and immunosuppressants, as well as a last resort - a liver transplant.

That is why, if you drink more alcohol than they should, taking medication, which can damage the liver, such as drugs that reduce blood cholesterol levels, acetaminophen and antidepressants, using pesticides or your work is connected with such substances as carbon tetrachloride, as well as in the case, if You already have signs of impaired liver function, you need to know about the existence of strange vehicles - seeds of the plant under the name of milk thistle, or thistle. This plant is able to stop the constant "bombardment" of your body with toxic substances.

In Europe, milk thistle enjoys great attention and respect, and people carefully guard their livers in all possible ways. Milk from them - a popular herbal remedy be taken during illness. It was verified serious scientific studies that prove that it actually prevents and cures liver damage, restores the cells and tissues. Almost all of these studies were conducted in Germany, where milk thistle approved by the government as a additional therapeutic agent in chronic inflammatory processes and cirrhosis.

Milk may prevent the destruction of the liver due to the dangers that is modern civilization, and therefore deserves serious attention.

liver, being the main ochischayuschim body, plays a vital role in maintaining our health. Milk thistle is used for millennia to treat the liver. It contains a natural substance silymarin - a mixture of glycosides (silybin, silidianin, silihristin), which primarily helps the liver to carry out detoxification function, including by raising level of antioxidant defense (increased content of superoxide dismutase and glyutationperoksidazy). It is obvious that all of the above properties put drugs rastopshi on a par with drugs, when it comes to acute or chronic liver disease and even cirrhosis.

Silymarin has not only anti-oxidant properties, but also affects the liver, yet in two ways: firstly, it strengthens cell membranes, and secondly, facilitates the formation of new cells, stimulates protein synthesis. As a result of increased production of bile. If the liver is functioning properly, then maintained and the entire immune system of the body. This also applies to anti-cancer protection of the organism, especially when it comes to gormonalnozavisimyh tumors. It is therefore recommended taking milk thistle for the prevention of diseases of female reproductive organs.

Many phytotherapeutist used this herb for psoriasis, the periods exacerbation is clearly associated with deterioration of liver function. Simpler dermatological problems in the form of various skin lesions (irritation skin), may be the first symptoms of liver dysfunction.

Finally, milk thistle is beneficial for digestion, because a sufficient number of bile ensures complete digestion of fats and optimal absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

that said thistle science?

In the 70 years of German researchers from the University of Munich have confirmed milk thistle's reputation as a folk remedy for liver diseases. They identified in seeds and fruits of this plant are the active pharmacological agents, and even described how they cope with dangers to the liver poisons. A number of studies they used the active ingredient slowly, gradually destroys the liver for 130 days, 100% of rats. However, if the animals were given simultaneously with the poison milk thistle, as much as 70% of them survived!

have since been held for more than 200 experimental and clinical studies that show that milk thistle - an effective remedy for various diseases, including fatty liver, often occurring even in moderate drinkers, acute and chronic hepatitis, damage liver of different drugs and even cirrhosis at later stages, which is usually unavoidable and practically can not be cured by any conventional medications.

One large study conducted in Germany in 1992, found that milk thistle has brought great benefit to 2,637 patients with diseases liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis. After eight weeks of daily administration of standard capsules of milk thistle 63% of the subjects reported the disappearance of symptoms (nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal distention). Laboratory tests have confirmed that the content of liver enzymes (their higher content in the blood indicates of liver disease) declined significantly - by 46%. Moreover, an enlarged liver in 27% of cases recovered to normal size, and in 56% - decreased sharply to normal.

researchers and scientists have developed many useful medicines
and techniques for the treatment and prevention of liver disease.

I suggest to You are relatively cheap but very effective method of preventing a healthy liver and vostonavlenie patient.

What is the procedure?

Many Required treatment or prevention of liver with admission of any preporatov on how to reset the normal functioning of the body.

I recommend starting preventive treatment of the liver, primarily with the treatment of liver parasites.

The outer shell of the liver and nutri often presence of the parasite, which release their toxins destroy the liver, just eat them, destroying cells and the liver was converted into a sponge.

Without external intervention to withdraw these parasites is not possible. Yes, and diagnostics, such diseases requires special techniques and equipment.

your Required Various drugs and medicines on how to reset the liver is not paying attention to this very significant and important fact.

What good from all these preparations, if the parasites in your liver continues to live shit and their wastes (toxins) by destroying the liver, but you at this time to stuff a world-class products for the treatment and prevention of liver health ????? Temporary relief? Do not be fooled ...

Alas, dropped on Wind money. Tomorrow will repeat all over again ...

What ? What to do?

exit is, it HOLY TEA , comparatively very cheap Product (60 rubles. RF / day). I do not plead the merits of other products of other companies, but TEA HOLY , there are a number of its Advantages. Most importantly, environmentally friendly and 5 plants comprising TEA . Herbs podobranny such a way that would most effectively influence the body.

Holy Tea Dr. Miller - developed by Dr. Bill Miller (Jackson, Tennessee, USA)

recommend to eat and stay healthy!

And how you treat your liver? What do you support your health?
I would be very grateful if the pages Blog will your recommendations can just your methods and advice to someone can help ...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How Long Will My Face Be Swollen After A Filling

Хорошая жена - спасение жизни.

All men are proud of their children. A selfish some men is so great that they are proud of even their wives.

Hello dear readers!

So I am proud of my wife! Why driving Blog on Health, to develop an online business to business in MLM, laying out positions on a particular aktualnom my vision of various problems, I'm not there, and retreat from the direct use of my blog.

Yes, simple, life is diverse and fixate on a single Health boring, although it is very important.

Today I received offer support magnificent project .

Attention, attention, attention!

«I, together with announces the most exciting competition this year - «girl blogger 2010!»

you blogger? Do you have a girlfriend / wife?

Show it to us and get a great amount of traffic to your blog, as well as a chance to win:

1 place - 1000 $

2 place - 500 $

3 place - 250 $

It may participate girl or woman bloggers (see rules ...)

When a family of noisy quarrel
wife is wrong,
about it later in his memoirs
скорбит прозревшая вдова.

И. Губерман

                                                               Well here is a joke
now directly about my favorite, of my beloved wife and not repeatable! Meet Tatiana, the mother of our son, loving and devoted woman, keeper of the hearth, the business, with an active lifestyle woman. Positions of responsibility, Head. inventory of finished products, the largest in our city enterprise "Moldavcabel" one of the subsidiaries' Sevkabel with headquarters in St. - Petersburg.

This is the graduation of our son. Finished high school and currently have passed exams and enrolled students in Moscow Energy Institute.

That's the one with the left, it's me, your gracious servant.

will continue the short story, about his wife, in a variety of pictures from our life. Photos, professional Of course, talking about life, sometimes more than you can write about them. I am not a professional, so do not obesudte.

this picture I printed out and placed in a frame. Now it catches the eye on kamode.

Job, and have a rest.


Вот такая моя женщина.

Хороший брак покоится на таланте к дружбе.
                                                                          Friedrich Nietzsche

Can you tell us about your precious half??

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Minnie Birthday Wording

Делюсь Позитивом!

Hello dear friends!

Well, at the end of it all behind!

It's time to share our joy with you, my readers, my colleagues and the whole world to boot!

But poporyadku ... These three summer months were marked by important for me personally and my family events. The first thing that happens is our son, Tom, graduated from the Theoretical Lyceum our city \u200b\u200band the second in July, I visited the city with his son - the hero of Moscow.

clear that we arrived there not on tour. We came to do! We came to conquer the capital's universities!

course stretches the truth a little excursion all the same there. To be in Moscow and visit Red Square, but and some other famous places ... It's just sacrilege would have been on our side.

My son.

Moscow - a huge metropolis. I frankly pleased at how much cleaner was a neat city, compared to when I was there last time.

Many thanks to our Moscow friends, my classmate Igor Bereyshiku and his wife, Svetlana, who gladly and cordially received us at the time of admission.


So how do we came from the former Soviet republics of Transdniestria, our state CSE for the Russian Federation is not acceptable, it was necessary to take the Russian EGE main subjects.

And this is me and Igor, my classmate and great friend. More than 30 years, we maintain our friendships

So, August 6, all excitement over! The official website of MEI (Moscow Power Engineering Institute) posted a full list of students enrolled at the 1 - year student full-time budget form of learning.

Hurrah! among the students and the name of our son!

Congratulations, Artyom, our son, the successful arrival in the Moscow Energy Institute! Good luck and patience on the road to knowledge!

Father, mother, grandmother.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cough And Sore Throat During My Period

Изыйди, токсин!

In today's world there are many ways that toxins get into our body. The trick is to remove these toxins from the body with the same speed or even faster than they go penetrate. At the same time extremely important to find a harmless method of deriving the toxins that together with the "waste" does not inadvertently get rid of what we still might be useful.

We are constantly are exposed to chemicals that are in our food, drinks, and even the air we breathe. Bentonite, benzene, benzoic acid, butyl, butiloksitoluol, bronopol and butylparaben - all this, perhaps, unfamiliar to us terms, but they refer to toxic substances in cosmetics, food and cleaning means that we use almost daily.

Of course, our body copes quite well with the withdrawal of harmful chemicals. "Rubbish" is filtered excretory system through the kidneys, liver, and sweating. Problems arise when these systems are a natural cleansing can not cope with the ever-increasing rate of penetration of toxins into the body. It was then that starts the digestive disorders and respiratory diseases and other diseases.

Fortunately, we can help our natural systems to cope with toxic overload several ways:

1. Temporary change of diet (Diet).

Most people change their diet, either temporarily or for an extended period of time in an attempt to cleanse the system of the body. And this is understandable, since many accumulated toxins enter our body is from food. Even natural foods such as fruits and vegetables today contain, among other things, pesticides, herbicides and artificial hormones.

Most cleansing diet consists of fasting, consumption of large quantities of pure liquids (water) and vegetables. However, such a diet is appropriate, limited period of time. Many of the minerals, vitamins and nutrients needed for health, for cleaning diets lost, and the body needs to fill them.

2. Herbal wraps.

clay, salt, water and other ingredients often used for the procedure, which is known as detox wrap. The idea is that the salts contained in the clay and algae, in wrapping pull Leather water in which dissolved poisons. After this procedure, it is very important to drink as much pure water to replenish the water washed from the body.

3. Use of special herbal dietary supplements.

Increase certain vitamins, antioxidants and minerals can improve work your body. As a result of changes in the chemical composition of the organism - the removal of toxins from the waste of life.

However, before start taking herbal supplements, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the process as a whole. Before starting the detoxification program will not prevent consultation doctor.

4. Special programs purification.
Many spas offer a ready-made programs designed to clean the tissues of toxins. They are very different, but the majority - the variation of the daily regime, including enemas, liquid nutritional supplements and cleansing drinks. Procedures repeated sequences within a week or more. An indispensable condition that affects the efficiency of this method is elimination of toxins - known share the commitment and impact.

5. Regular visits to the sauna.

Sauna - perhaps the most pleasant method of detoxification. Toxins are derived primarily way through the excretory system, and specifically - when sweating. Since then displayed a surprisingly large number of cellular fluid (fluid contained within the cells of the body), in which the "canned" the majority of toxins. In addition, over time, the sauna is no longer perceived as a medical procedure and is just enjoyable, anxiously anticipated vacation.

All of the above methods of detoxification work in varying degrees and carry the advantages and disadvantages. Definitely can only say that the most effective method - is the one to which the suit very seriously. This can be compared with a set of exercises, many of which may be effective to use, but none will bring the desired result, unless you are a considerable period of time.

Based on materials from the site

Our body is thin, nastraevaemaya system. Her disorder, is primarily a disease and as a consequence of lowering the threshold of life.
Many scientists worldwide are committed to extend the threshold for humans. no secret that the threshold for the duration of human life is a mark of 300 years. But alas, we ruin ourselves ...