Villains, and if by next Friday will not pass the first chapter of Fugitives, pierdere my faith in maria cookies (?) XDDDDD
By the way .. ASDDADFD
ameeeee bad thing xD *-*
Hiro: Wait, we have the formula.
Daphne: Not yours
Tracy: And you are?
Hiro: I'm Hiro Nakamura <3. Es mi deber sagrado ver que sea destruida (la formula).
Tracy: Sorry, I have plans for this little piece of paper, Pikachu.
Hiro: Pikachu! .____. (Notec that small voice that says the asdjhasgd *-*)
Hiro: Sorry * shot *
Daphne: Time to go. (XD)
Tomorrow the Oscars, baah this time not give me eager to see them as in previous years, my only favorite is Heat Ledger who won because he won, the rest X, that does not win xD that Jolie and Brad good has no chance against the great Sean Penn.
I went. Whatever
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