Thursday, July 29, 2010

Richard Simmons Funny Clip Art

Интернет... Какую нишу выбрать для заработка?

Hello Friends!

My Subscribers and readers, friends and acquaintances often ask this, their concerns, the question: "Viktor, you are doing business on the Internet, you've found your niche. A What, in your opinion, the most profitable niche in the Internet? "and many other issues in business over the Internet ... I have no surprise questions such direction in recent years they have asked me hundreds, maybe thousands. Many people I have helped define their position on the Internet, others have become my partners in Business, and others just took food for thought ...

But back to our main question, the answer is not very easy. Consider, for example, production and trade of arms, of course, a very profitable niche. Relatively low competition, but to master this niche, you must be at least very rich and influential, and rotate in certain political circles.

There are niches that for most people, seem strange and not less so in They earn their money. Who is making dresses out of gum wrappers and sells them, others do fine gum panels, others paint an elephant's trunk, and many other all sorts of crazy ideas are profitable to their ideological inspiration.

Of course these are examples of exceptional ideas, but this is an example of how successful projects bring tens of thousands of dollars a month.

How to find your profitable niche?

This is a very multi-faceted issue. One article on him not to answer. I just write to begin. To begin, start with yourself, beloved! And do not waste time looking for "a profitable niche." This is incorrect. Wrong, because that brings earnings alone, completely destroy the other.

example, to open their business on selling oil and gas or, for example, helicopters, business - class, not the fact that you will be successful and you'll pull loot shovel. This business is built largely on acquaintance with the influential and wealthy businessmen in your own reputation. Big business is not to buy advertising, and on the recommendations of its attorneys in the cases of friends and acquaintances. It is clear that the scope of their communication not comparable with the range of communication simple layman.

Therefore the correct approach to choosing a niche - it is to answer the question "How do I make a profit with my favorite things? "Making money is where you're not ready to apply their efforts - it's just a waste of their time. Success still will not. First need to look within yourself, seek what is best you get and the found the idea of \u200b\u200bturning in the money.

month ago, I looked Videoseminar Robert Kern called the Core Influence. This small but very powerful seminar, where Frank talks about how to live and work just to have fun. One of the exercises of the seminar was a task to build your perfect day. That is, take a pen and paper and write out in detail how you can be honorable to yourself, how would you like spend your perfect day in my life.

This exercise is incredibly strong disclose your soul and your potential. As soon as you see from a third party its day, then immediately change much in your head. You begin to clearly understand where to go and what to do in order to become perfect yourself.

Make it is right now and see the result. You can unsubscribe later in the comments. I think many would be interested.

done? Congratulations! The first (and most important step) in your life you made. You know exactly what you want out of life! It's worth a lot!

Just remember the old adage: "road by walking". Whatever you do, if you're not madly in love, then adding a little marketing savvy you will become rich and successful!

«Tend things you love and you'll never have to work longer » and more " Success - it is when doing something!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Does Rogain Change Hair Color

Google AdWords, что это за ресурс?

Contextual advertising

What is contextual advertising?

Contextual advertising - is advertising on search engines and websites that show Only the group of users, kotorayainteresuet advertiser.
Contextual advertising allows you to clearly relate costs srezultatami: the customer pays only for those users kotoryekliknuli ad and went to his website.

What is Google AdWords?

Google AdWord - it's quick and easy sposobrazmescheniya advertising on Google, regardless of your budget. ObyavleniyaAdWords appear on search results pages in Google, as well as nasoderzhatelnyh and search sites in the growing network of Google, including AOL, EarthLink, HowStuffWorks, and Blogger. Thanks ezhednevnovypolnyaemym search on Google or page impressions online Google, posted on the resource vashiobyavleniya Google AdWords will see a vast audience.

When you create an AdWords campaign targeting naklyuchevye words you choose keywords that will vyzyvatpokaz ad and specify the maximum amount you gotovyplatit each time someone clicks on your ad. Payment is made only in tomsluchae if someone clicks on your ad. To help vamsokratit costs, our AdWords Discounter automatically reduces the size of tsenyza click to the minimum necessary to vasheobyavlenie remained at the same place.

What is targeting?

Targeting - show advertising for target audience. variety of algorithms selected target audience and it shows targeted ads.

When you create an AdWords campaign targeting mestarazmescheniya you choose a specific content sites reklamyGoogle on which ad will appear, and ukazyvaetemaksimalnuyu amount you are willing to pay per click (CPC) ilitysyachu page impressions from the ad (CPM) on this site. Platavzimaetsya per-view ads. As for ads in key stargetingom words, our AdWords Discounter automatically snizhaetfakticheskuyu amount you pay to the minimum that will allow property to keep your place per page.

accommodation options

your messages with keywords will be displayed on Google and on Google.
• On the search results on Google ads next to search results or above.

• In Google network ads search sites isaytah content network, as well as other products iblogah. The Google Network is the largest advertising network on the Internet iohvatyvaet more than 86% of Internet users worldwide. Vymozhete be sure that Google AdWords will show your obyavleniyatselevoy audience.

Contextual advertising by Google enables sminimalnymi costs compared to traditional methods of advertising vofflayn or even with other types of online advertising, dobitsyamaksimalnogo effect.

But judge for yourself how advertising Googlevashego site differs from the usual value ways of advertising vasheykompanii. So, one minute infomercial on the air televizionnogokanala worth tens of thousands of dollars. The cost of content reklamyGoogle even for a whole year ahead is worth ten times less. A vedkontekstnaya ads on Google results in you just interested vvashih proposals Internet users.

course, given the focus of Google nazarubezhny segment of Internet advertising in Google okazhetmaksimalny effect on sales growth companies to link to your site, your product to your proposal, also aimed naeksport their products or to members of the global market. However ohvatkompaniey Google Russian Internet every year increases skazhdym year more and more Russians enjoy fast, convenient ikachestvennym search on Google for a particular purpose or poiskatovarov and services on the web. Therefore, advertising on Google today took the first position on the effectiveness of advertising companies on the Internet.

As already mentioned, the basic direction reklamyGugl - is the creation of advertising campaigns with Google Adwords. Taprostota, which helps to create an Adwords campaign, provided an impeccable work of hundreds of thousands of sites where budetrazmeschena content Google.

Advertising Google AdWords your ad will run 24 hours a day, 7 dneyv week without requiring you to any additional interventions!

Expand the number of its subscribers and readers of its resource using content advertising Google AdWords.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Substitue For Swiss Ball

Что такое комментарий?

7 reasons for which you should not embed images in comments

writes about this wiki-pedia:

1. explanation, explanatory notes to any text, its interpretation.
2 . reasoning, explanatory or critical comments about anything.
Picture "Thank you!» (incidentally, as a similar label) , the comment is not. And this is not the last reason for not post the picture in a comment. name a further 7.

a . When a person walks into a message he wants to see ilipochitat, he wants to see and read it offline. But do not vsegdamozhet do it. Why? Because an insane amount We emphasize as Appendices "Thank you !!!"," What a wonderful day today! "," Hi, buddy! "," How are you? " , which are loaded along with the message, extending the immensely vremyazagruzki page. But not all still have a fast Internet.

2. All of these pictures, and especially dominant among them is "SIFCO" which "Sparkle and shine, are large. Average razmerodnoy a "blestyashki" reaches 200 Kbytes. This is particularly "nice" to those who pay for traffic. They have disable the browsers vsekartinki. But sometimes they want to look at the pictures in someone tosoobschenii (and not in the comments to it), but they are loaded with sovsemi other images.

3. Due to the fact that the images are fairly large size in height, the post's comments are drawn for many meters.

4 . Among these multimeter brilliant images simply teryayutsyanormalnye text comments on the case. And the authors are offended naavtora reports that he ignores them. And he can not see them.

5. Health. Yes, we must think about health. Normal epileptic neprozhivet on Lear and 5 minutes. But rather healthy person, considering all this splendor blinking blestyashek, poluchaetnenuzhnuyu eye strain. Sometimes you just want to take and udalitkommentary with such a picture, but out of respect for users of this nedelayu. Could not have put me in a difficult situation?

6. Adding an image to comment on the post «just have something to insert» - it is silly. Because the actions must be somehow understood, somehow understandable. When a person is to post about the cosmos vstavlyaetkartinku with a kitten ... I do not know, as anyone, but I believe it - idiotic.

7. Those who signed on to be notified about comments in his blogepo mail very "happy" when his mail zamusorivaetsya sotnyamikartinok without any semantic loading.

I assure you, it's better to write the text of his hands, and publish it chemvstavlyat these pictures, which is nothing but irritation to you and do not cause vashimdeystviyam. Pictures in the theme - this one. But the picture is not vtemu is - quite another. Think about when you put in someone topost these crazy animated blestyashki and flowers, kittens and squirrels, you're in the first place, annoying the author blog, and secondly, egoposetiteley that just as he was not happy with this brilliant madness.

explain all these things personally to every woman (and it is women na99, 99% are whole lot of creating gigabytes of blestikov) vsedavno tired. And just this - it is useless. In place of one prihodit10 the same as she did. By it was decided to merge vsemibloggerami who are against this, write once why it ploho.Nik everyone who will quote this post will be added at its end, as an indication that this person supports the arguments contained in this message. If you agree with the fact that tutgovoritsya, do not pass by! Cite this message! What bolshelyudey notice this post, the less we will have a zany pictures vkommentariyah. And the better and cleaner will Runet.