Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mind If I Watch You Masterbait Poster

bye,bye 2008!★

The last day of 2008!
scares me and it's really scary to think about how time passed so flash D:

in 2009 is coming and I even more frightening, hate it, but things are so time is something that can not be stopped, _, and everything is nimodo. The

3:03 a.m. and my cousin and I (both shivering from the cold) watching the last ep RAW Junjou xD, and previous subs, is that your pc is in the room and only at this time was that we could see Junjou sneak xD (I'm such a good influence xD). Enfin Bleeh tmb look at the RAW the last Vampire, uu all duuh, but it was expected they would have to improvise a churro and ekis final, igualquierosubspronto xD.

Asdfsdf extranio my house, my dogs, my wichii, my room and all the dudes so bad; _;, but being with my primiachiis tmb rocks ^ ^. Weekend

anions, pro Have fun and remember not to eat things xD extranias Feli

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Template For Wedding Seating Chart



you I'll stay

pass it xD great!

Kidnap The Sandy Claws

Saturday, December 20, 2008

How To Cover Curlers With Scarf


Vampire Knight # 46



I did it, I finally kissed her!
Yuuki, baka!
Ashgdsh is that, as it does?!, I mean waste to Zero! D:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Famous Pepole That Had A Hernia



Flawless victory (?) XDD

Wii!, I did yesterday, is the first I do
Without much can with javascript (Finally, the java I use for something xD), design, very sencillito, but bleeh as proof ok to be first, also did Kamui & Subaru <3 ya que el proximo lay que harè (espero que para este finde) sera CLAMPish xD, y colocare entonces el reloj por algun lugarcito =3.

Image credit: The image of chibi Kamui and Subaru's take of HERE. This cloudy

<3, mi buen humor se eleva un 50% *-*.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Online German Birth Records

making x-mas!★

Busy So

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Best Boat Ulphostery Fabric 2010


or more pro today.

Asdashjfd Karen! pendejisimaaa saw you today! ;___; Was well as the most pro xD our unexpected meeting. Asdhasgd malll missed you, to enough I was not looking, hahaha it was great to remember the moments of high school desmadrosisimos; _; not, and think that faltabamos enough to school that gave webisima go and so far xD raaawr, to miss the jetas of the teachers x3. And also strange disease, and Oscar Naye annoy sadashg xD
But soon xD vagaciones who are all gay inn will make a super wii.

Well now the ugly part of the case xD. Confirmed
, married Miyano-kun (my favorite seiyu my platonic love xD) and his now wife is expecting a baby (clever girl, lured him into it xDDD).
Comosea, Miyano rocks! and remains the best seiyu, and my favorite ♡ ♥. Just hope
see photo damn lucky xD.

This sunny, yet another factor to be of good ^ ^.

* Flee *